You are the creator* (writer - director - producer) of your own story.


Don’t accept the life that was handed to you. Fight like hell to make your own dreams come true.

Directors Keylee Koop-Sudduth and Micah Sudduth of Bob Billiams Productions in a scene from their award-winning web series that premiered at prestigious film festivals.


January 18, 2019

“Our doubts are traitors,

and make us lose the good we oft might win,

by fearing to attempt.” - Shakespeare

…You ever think about the other version of your story?

We do. There’s another version of our story – where #hometheseries never existed. Where we stayed on the couch, soaking up the darkness of our failures and all of the things that we wished we would have accomplished.

A version where we let all of our doubts and insecurities win. Where we chose to stay small and not take any risk because we were stuck, listening to a continuous loop all of the rejections we’ve encountered, all the times we’ve been made to feel that we were not enough or never could be enough to be successful.

That our time had passed. That we could keep waiting, but maybe our time would never come. In that version of our story, we never would have made this show. We never would have made Bob Billiams Productions. We never would have made ourselves become filmmakers. We never would have made anything that made us come alive.

But we created a different story.

We got up off the couch. We listened to the artists who came before us, who told us not to let the darkness win. Who told us that the risk would be reward in itself, and to remember that we only get this one life, and that nothing matters but what we CHOOSE to do with it. It doesn’t matter how anyone else reacts. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve been rejected, or how many times we will be in the future. All that matters is what we do with the time we’ve got.

So, we went to work. We replayed new words in our heads that made us believe we could do anything, instead of replaying the words that made us feel small. We grew 10 feet (figuratively). We became more and more like the versions of ourselves that we wanted to be – who we knew we truly could be. We believed. We met that belief with action. And we took very, very big leaps.

And held our breath.

And some magical things happened. On our first film festival application journey, we were accepted into Tribeca Film Festival! Our little web series, that we wrote, directed, produced and edited - got accepted into one of the top film festivals in the country! All because we believed in ourselves!

Tribeca Film Festival Filmmakers Bob Billiams Productions on set for a scene of their original web series HOME: Starring Nikki McKenzie, Roberta Colindrez, Navaris Darson

Does that mean that the hard part is over? Hell no. We’re still reminded every day that the work has just begun. We still get rejected. We still get overwhelmed. We still doubt. We still confront fears. We still feel small. But we move anyway. Every single day. We get up off the couch. And work for what we want.

And miraculously, we found and keep finding our people. People like the ones we’ve been listening to and admiring from afar. Those who believe in the light. Who believe in chasing dreams. Who believe in us. And they were there all along – but we never would have found them if we had stayed in the dark.

It feels so surreal to read some of the very kind words that very kind people have said about #hometheseries this past year. We know that our show is not perfect, and will not resonate with every single person. We also know that because our show will live on the internet, we are bound to interact with some anonymous voices that will probably sound a lot like the doubts that we had on the couch.

But we promise to always listen to the voices of light. And to keep making our own light.

And to never give up.

We hope you don’t, either.

Sending all of you love, light, and fierce belief in whatever dream it is that you want to pursue. You can do it. Don’t let anything or anyone – especially yourself – stop you.

And, for those who have made it this far in the blog post, get ready for the grand finale…


We’d love for you to Join the BOB Collective!

Ready to catapult your creativity to new heights? Apply to our mentorship program: The BOB Collective (Brave Open Beings Collective), a growing community of filmmakers and artists celebrating each other’s wins and supporting each other through the journey. You can expect one-on-one support as you continue to create your own original projects, with script notes, practical tips, tools, resources, and career and creative mindset accountability. Apply for our 2024 group program today! Limited spaces are available! Learn more here.

Imagine getting one month of free mentorship and creative and career coaching for artists from us - two award-winning writer-directors who know exactly how it feels to be in your shoes.

This is your chance to get feedback on your projects, ask us the secrets to our creative process, get personalized advice about your current challenges, and get your art turbocharged in community, ready for 2024! Apply today!

🌟 Apply Now for a Creative Revolution! 🌟

Keep creating, keep dreaming, and let us be the wind beneath your wings. Connect with us for a free deep-dive consultation and let us advise you on the best way to create and release your original projects!

Your Next Step? Connect With Bob Billiams!

We're more than just an artist’s career coach; we're your partners in creative triumph. Follow us on Social Media for more advice and behind-the-scenes insights, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more of our tips for creatives and more episodes of our award-winning work. Keep creating!

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With love and gratitude,

Keylee and Micah Sudduth


BOB BILLIAMS PRODUCTIONS is an award-winning, woman-led, family-operated production company created by independent filmmakers: writer, director, producer, actor, and editor Keylee Koop-Suddduth, and writer, director, producer, actor, and editor Micah Sudduth.

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