6 Quick Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block

Filmmakers and artist career coach Keylee Sudduth and Micah Sudduth of Bob Billiams Productions.

Embarking on a creative journey is akin to exploring uncharted territories, filled with both illuminations and shadows. If you're an artist, a writer, a dreamer of dreams, you've likely met the enigmatic entity known as writer's block. It's a shared experience among us, the creators. But fear not. As a fellow traveler on this path, I've discovered some ways to navigate these blocks, gleaned from my own odyssey in filmmaking and storytelling. I'm here to share these six practical insights with you, hoping they'll ignite your creative spirit as they have mine.

Six Pathways to Unlock Your Creativity

  1. Transcend the Usual: Step outside the norm. If you're a writer, why confine yourself to a desk? Embrace the unpredictable – a journal under the open sky, a flurry of thoughts on notecards, a digital canvas to spill your stream of consciousness. Writing isn't about right or wrong; it's about capturing the raw essence of your thoughts, unfiltered and unrefined.

    Don't anchor yourself to one format. If you're writing a script, maybe switch to a journal, or voice-record your thoughts as you walk. Creativity is like water – it flows best when it's not confined.

  2. The Power of the Timer: A simple timer can be your ally. Set it for 20 minutes and let your thoughts cascade onto the page. Don’t aim for perfection; aim for something, anything. It’s about movement, about keeping the creative waters flowing. Remember, perfection is often the enemy of creation.

    Don't aim for perfection, aim for expression. It's like improvising in music – sometimes the most unexpected notes create the best melodies.

  3. Imperfection as a Muse: Embrace the rough edges, the missteps, the chaotic swirl of ideas. These are the seeds of something greater. It's in these unpolished thoughts that the true essence of your story begins to take shape. Every word is a brushstroke in a larger masterpiece.

    Allow your ideas to breathe, unpolished and raw. In this space of freedom, your story will start to find its shape.

  4. Learn from the Masters: We stand on the shoulders of giants. The digital age brings a library of masterclasses and interviews to our fingertips. Absorb the wisdom of those who've walked the path before us. Their insights are like lighthouses guiding us through foggy creative seas. Listen to an interview, write down a sentence that inspires you - then repeat. You’ll be surprised at what you create after learning directly from the greats.

    Video Recommendation:

    Timeless Methods for Unlocking Creativity - on Writer’s Block with creative genius Rick Rubin.

    Video Description: Rick Rubin, Legendary Producer and Tim Ferris talk about subjects like: Timeless Methods for Unlocking Creativity, Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight, The Future with AI, Helpful Distractions, Working with Strong Personalities, Breaking Out of “The Sameness,” and More

    Some of our favorite filmmaking videos we return to again and again:

    Mark Duplass - SXSW Speech - The Calvary isn’t coming

    Video Description: Mark Duplass, a director, actor, writer, and producer, discusses the migration of filmmakers to television, to the emergence of VOD and its impact on micro-budget film. Duplass has eight pieces of advice for those who want to start a career in filmmaking. He also talks on the changing models of film and television distribution/production, how those changes affect those in the independent sphere, and why carving out your particular corner of the sandbox is going to be the key to maintaining creative control in the future.

    Solloway 207 SXSW Keynote Speech

    Video Preview: "Why aren't there more women directors? That is the question of the hour. There are so many cultural and social reasons, but I want to actually talk about the personal reasons, the psychological reasons. I feel very much like the right time, right place, right person to talk about this question, because over the past five years, I have become a director and become less of a woman. I am still a woman of course, but five years ago, I wasn't a director, I wasn't queer, and after my parent came out as trans, I began to question my own gender and inheritance and I had a fantastic idea for a TV show," said SXSW Film Keynote Speaker, Jill Soloway, on Sunday, March 12, at the 2017 SXSW Conference.

  5. Inspiration in the Everyday:
    Find inspiration in the world around you. Seek out prompts in the world around you – a line from a song, a scene from a film, a fleeting moment captured in a TikTok video, or a random observation. Inspiration is all around.

    Use these sparks to ignite your creative fire. Write without the burden of judgment. It’s in this unstructured exploration that you often find your true creative north. Let a song, a scene, a conversation spark something within. Writing begets writing. Tune in to the world around you and inspiration can be found anywhere. Write down what you see and hear and then let the momentum carry you forward.

  6. Write to Your Inner Self: Sometimes, the most profound dialogues are the ones we have with ourselves. Write to your inner artist. Remind yourself why you create. These intimate conversations can often reignite the dimming flame of creativity.

    Remind yourself of your journey, your passion, your innate ability to create. This self-reflection can be the catalyst that reignites your creative flame.

    Bonus BOB Insight: Join Our Creative Expedition

    In our new artist community Brave Open Beings, we’re not just about career coaching for creatives or being a creative coach for artists; we’re about fostering a sanctuary where your artistic spirit can thrive.

    Join us, and be part of a community where your artistry is not just understood, but celebrated. Reach out today for a free 15-minute call, and let’s explore the vast landscape of your creativity together.

    Thanks for diving into our thoughts. Keep an eye on our YouTube channel for our latest series, "BACKSLIDERS," and more. Here’s to the uncharted territories of your creativity!



BOB BILLIAMS PRODUCTIONS is an award-winning, woman-led, family-operated production company created by independent filmmakers: writer, director, producer, actor, and editor Keylee Koop-Suddduth, and writer, director, producer, actor, and editor Micah Sudduth.


You are the creator* (writer - director - producer) of your own story.