Dear Aspiring Filmmaker: Go After Your Dreams

“If there’s a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” -Toni Morrison

[A Blog Post from the Bob Billiams Vault - written by Keylee Sudduth on April 1, 2018]

DEAR ASPIRING CREATIVE: I don’t know you, but I wrote this for you.

✨I’m just sitting here thinking about how we only get this one life so we might as well try our best to be present, be kind, and go after our dreams like there’s no other choice— because is there, really?

I don’t think so. I think a life worth living is one that’s really lived, all out.

A full-court press towards your true heart’s desire. Doesn’t that sound good? ✨

✨What’s stopping you from living the life that you dream of, the kind of life you truly yearn for?

Is it fear of failure? I get that. We all get that. But we all also know that’s dumb, right?

Every single person who has ever succeeded at something has dealt with their own string of failures. And—lessons learned from those failures are probably directly related to that success.

So, is it fear of being judged by others?

Who cares what other people think?

I doubt that on your death bed you’ll be glad that you were so fearful of judgment from your friends, peers, family members, yourself, whatever that you sacrificed the career you always wanted, or the move you’ve always dreamt of making, or the risk you’ve always wanted to take—or the person you’ve always wanted to be.✨

✨Our time here is so precious and so very fleeting. Why do we waste it by continuing to be stuck—in life, in a rut, in our own minds?

We only have this one chance at life so we are actually all insane for not doing everything we can to try and make the world a little brighter with the gifts we’ve been given while we’re still here and we still can.

Just think. What would it be like if we all decided to completely be ourselves, step into the unique magic that only we can offer, and make peace with our fears and insecurities?

What would happen? I don’t know exactly, but I bet it would be pretty damn miraculous.

That’s just my guess. I’ll try my very best to do my part. ✨

I promise to keep showing up. To keep spreading light, and to keep making art.

Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to see what you create.

You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling,
so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them
- Rumi

2024 Invitation: Join Our Creative Expedition

In our new artist community Brave Open Beings, we’re not just about career coaching for creatives or being a creative coach for artists; we’re about fostering a sanctuary where your artistic spirit can thrive.

We offer you a space for one-on-one dialogue, a chance for a free creative project focus session where your ideas can be heard and shaped. Join us, and be part of a community where your artistry is not just understood, but celebrated.

We invite you to embark on this journey with us. Reach out for a one-on-one session, and let’s explore the vast landscape of your creativity together. Remember to check out our Creative Services and join our community of Brave Open Beings.


BOB BILLIAMS PRODUCTIONS is an award-winning, woman-led, family-operated production company created by independent filmmakers: writer, director, producer, actor, and editor Keylee Koop-Suddduth, and writer, director, producer, actor, and editor Micah Sudduth.

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